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To Mr. Patrick Lajeunesse, a special thank you for your sensitivity and your efficiency for this particular situation. Your calm and your patience my reassured, thank you.

Denise Racine

Our brother Ronald died and all his arrangements were made at your Salon On Boul. Ste-Foy of Longueuil. Everything was perfect, all the people who worked there that day were all OK and friendly. Thank you very much, be sure that we will be pleased to talk about your Salon. </ Font>

Famille Laroche de la Rive-Sud

M. Cenac, the most sincere thanks for your excellent services at my husband's funeral on April 22, 2017. Your sympathy and organization have been a great help to get through this difficult time. Thanks also to your staff.

Mme Francine Gravel

On behalf of myself and my family, I would like to thank you and all the members of your staff for the warmth, compassion and respect for all the services performed at our father's funeral on April 9, 2016 The late Jacques Geoffrion. Sincere thanks to Father André Lapointe for the beautiful ceremony. Sincerely

Nicole Geoffrion

A THANK YOU is still too weak to express our gratitude to you on the death on 22 June 2016 of our beloved grandmother Anne-Marie Boulanger. Your team and you Mrs. Fortin have shown professionalism and assistance beyond our expectations. What about the valuable help in preparing documents after death? For the trust and personal service of your funeral home, Gérald and I decided to subscribe, immediately, to our own pre-arrangements, a special gift that we offered ourselves on our 50th wedding anniversary celebrated Saturday, July 23, 1966. 'Thank you'

Gérald et Carmen Pilon Langlais de Pierrefonds

The most bitter tears spread on the graves are For the words left unsaid and the deeds left.

Harriet Beecher Stowe